Thursday, April 14, 2016

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Wow. This is probably one of the best books I've read in a while. Gone Girl is a novel about a strange husband and a wife who's... gone. She's literally gone. Disappeared. No one can find any trace of her, but evidence leads everyone--the police, the family members, and the media-- to believe that charming but reclusive Nick Dunne murdered his wife Amy. Will the evidence prove to be true? Will Amy ever be found? Did something else happen that can't be explained? Hmm. Guess you'll have to read it and find out!

The plot line of this story is so suspenseful. I mean every single page keeps you wondering and guessing at what actually happened to Amy. Full of plot twists and surprising turns, Flynn really kept you wondering and gave no hints as to how the book would end. I was shocked, speechless, and to be frank, pissed off! (Read and you'll see why. Muahaha.)

I'm usually not a huge fan of books that switch POV's, especially when every other chapter is narrated by a different person, but it's almost like the two main characters are bantering the whole time. I really liked how she used this literary device to create a contrast in the plot line and to keep the story interesting. It gives the reader the opportunity to see things through two different character's eyes, and it makes the reading experience that much more substantial.

Flynn knew what she was doing when taking on a murder-mystery. So many works in this genre end up flopping due to unoriginal characters and plot lines, but I have truly never read a book so different and.. not cliché.

The character development is phenomenal. Flynn really uses the character's back-stories to put an emphasis on how their past affected them as individuals, a couple, and as a part of their subsequent families. Not only is there a main story-line, but there are also interwoven stories that really make you aware of who the characters are as people and why they are how they are.

Overall, I loved this book, and Flynn as an author. Read every single thing she has ever written, because you will NOT be disappointed. If you're looking for an original, new take on murder-mysteries, then I strongly suggest reading Gone Girl. An incredible reading experience all the way through.

I recommend Gone Girl 10/10.

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