I'll start by saying that I'm going to be as unbiased as possible when reviewing this novel, because as I've already stated, my favorite author wrote it. But I'll go ahead and warn you, the review is extremely positive, because this is in the running for the most structurally beautiful novel I've ever read, and I'm calling it my favorite I've ever read, as well.
The Fireman is Hill's fourth full-length novel. It's a post-apocalyptic horror/fantasy novel about a spore that causes humans that are infected to spontaneously combust...literally. That's the only plot information I'm going to give, because I want you to read this book.
As always, the character development is phenomenal. Hill has a habit of lengthy descriptions, which usually bothers me, but he executes them in a way that is beneficial to the story as a whole, and really makes you feel more for the characters/places/things he is describing. There is a certain character present throughout the novel that has become one of my favorite literary characters of all time. From main characters to background characters, the way they are developed by Hill is beautiful and deep and I really felt as if I had developed a relationship with each one.
Another characteristic of this book that I really admired is that Hill took a really overdone concept (post apocalyptic worlds) and made it completely original. From the way the "world" seemingly "ends", to the societies created within the story, everything is new and fresh, steering away from the world ending to a brighter, more subtle existence. All the components of a post-apocalyptic story are present, but there are fresh twists that make them feel brand new. It's hard to decide who to side with in this story, the infected or the healthy, and that made the reading experience, for me, much more interesting and involved.
I don't use the word perfect often, but I would say that the way Hill ends The Fireman is almost perfect, if not completely. It is surprising and unexpected, and it fits perfectly with the entire mood of the story.
The last thing I'll say about The Fireman (because if I don't stop now, I never will..) is that it isn't at all like Hill's other works, which was also refreshing and showcased his ability to write something other than horror really well. It is more of a fantasy/sci-fi novel than a horror, and while he brings a new definition to the word "horror" for our generation, he has also shown that he is extremely gifted at writing a variety of different genres.
As you can probably tell, I loved this book, and I think that anyone who likes a good fantasy novel should definitely read it. The only suggestion I have is not to let a younger audience read--it is definitely geared towards adults, and the language/some of the plot points are more mature than a younger person should be exposed to. If you want to read a thrilling, beautiful story, pick up The Fireman as soon as possible.